Find out if the Foodprint® Test can help you
to identify which foods might be affecting
your health and well-being
How can the Foodprint® test help?
Foodprint® is a highly sensitive and accurate laboratory test that detects the presence of IgG food-specific antibodies to a wide range of foods and is the first step in identifying which foods may be causing an inappropriate immune response and affecting your health.
What is food intolerance?
A food intolerance or sensitivity is an adverse reaction to a specific food which has been eaten.
Some food-related reactions may be caused by the enzyme deficiency or chemical sensitivity, whilst others are the result of an inappropriate response by the immune system.
Immune-related intolerances to specific foods have been linked to food-specific IgG antibodies through scientific studies, as the production of antibodies is one of the ways in which the immune system reacts to substances that adversely affect it.
What causes food intolerances to develop?
What causes food intolerances to develop is complex and not fully understood, but damage to the intestinal barrier wall is thought to play a role and allow undigested food proteins to enter the blood which provokes an elevated immune response.
The reasons for the development of food intolerances can vary from person to person but the following factors are thought to be involved:
- Inadequate digestion
- Altered gut microbiota
- Parasites, yeast or bacterial intestinal infections
- Poor diet
- Effects of drugs and medications such as antibiotics
What symptoms are associated with Food Intolerance?
Food intolerance is associated with a wide range of symptoms as well as many chronic conditions, such as:
- Gastrointestinal – bloating, abdominal cramping, excessive flatulence, constipation and/or diarrhea, Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohns disease
- Respiratory – wheezing, asthma, sinusitis
- Musculoskeletal – osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, muscle aches, fibromyalgia
- Dermatological – urticaria, psoriasis, itchy skin, atopic dermatitis, acne, rosacea
- Neurological – migraine, headache, impaired concentration, mood and behavioral changes, autism, anxiety, fatigue, hyperactivity
How to take a FoodPrint® test
Give a blood sample
Your sample is analysed by one of our accredited laboratories
After a few days, you should receive your personal test results from your health practitioner, along with personalised nutrition guidance to help you make necessary dietary changes and achieve optimum health.
If you need further help with your diet, you can contact our Nutrition team here
For more information about Foodprint® Test or to book your appointment, please contact our nearest accredited clinic or laboratory in the UAE.
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